
Annual Reports

Annual Reports provide a comprehensive, impactful and insightful way to provide your customers and stakeholders a view of your companies successes while also providing them with the information necessary to maintain confidence in proposed future yearly growth factors.

PERFECT BINDING: is similar to paperback book binding, affixes a trimmed cover using glue and is ideal for larger reports

SADDLE-STITCHING: where staples are inserted in the center of the book, is more economical than glue and is a great option for smaller reports

WIRE AND COIL BINDING: provides a great document solution including clear covers and multiple backer options including leatherette and full color double sided printing on card-stock. An excellent solution for proposals and portfolios where vibrant impactful content is the focus of your document.

PRINTED TABS: can make sections easier to find

Annual Report Printing

7230 Gilpin Way #170, Denver, CO 80229

Ph. 303-534-5525

Copyright © Anaconda Printing 2019